Sunday, July 15, 2012

Color Run

Meghan and Mommy

Today Sara, myself and Mike (a friend from Michael's hockey team) did the color run at the state fair grounds.  It was so much fun- each kilometer was a different color powder that you ran threw.  Even though it was so hot, it was a blast.

Meghan, Mark and Noreen were at the finish line to cheer us on.  I grabbed Meghan and ran across the finish line with her.  I think she was a little overwhelmed with all the color and people.

Michael did not see us finish the run because he became super star volunteer!  He passed out water to all the runner for 3 hours (he ended up doing it for so long because he thought we were coming back to get him)
At the end of the run is the color throw: each person is given a color packet, every 15 mins they do a big color throw, where everyone gathers and throws their powder in the air... it is so pretty!
In the Color Throw
Meghan was not a fan of this!
Birthday boy!
Rock Star Volunteer! 
Sara's awesome nail polish
yes, this all came out!
Color throw