Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm back

I know I have been slacking on posts...but believe me when I say I have been blogging, just not adding the pictures so I havent been posting.  So I am now realizing that not all my post need photos- this is a journal for Meghan to look back on and see the things she did...not all need visuals.

Here is a quick run down on funny/cute stories of Meghan and the fam:

The Olympics were just on and what can I say, I love them!  If I'm not at work or sleeping, I was watching them.  Meghan ended up getting hooked on them too!  When we would watch gymnastics or diving she would say "mommy, I want to do that!", when swimming came on she turned to me and said "Mommy, I want to do that, will you help me swim?"... of course honey, I will help you become an Olympic swimmer!

I'm happy to report that my 2yr 2month of might finally be out of 12-18 month clothing, but only because her 12 month pant are getting too short on her. We got to buy 2T pants last weekend... although they  need to be the adjustable waste and tightened all the way!!  Which reminds me we need to go back to the Dr in October for a weight check- he is still wanting to watch that.  With how much this girl has been asking for Macaroni and Cheese- she has got to be putting on some weight; that brings me to another story

All Meghan has been asking for the past month is Macaroni and Cheese- it's getting crazy, but the girl eats it, and I cant deny a skinny girl her Mac and Cheese!  One morning I asked her what she would like to wear to daycare "my macaroni and cheese shirt and pants!"  Sorry kiddo you don't own a mac and cheese shirt or pants!

I promise, I have more photos and stories to come.