Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reality Bites!

Oh the Terrible Twos- I swear I'm going to have gray hair...or no hair by the time Meghan is 3.  We are having major problems at daycare right now with biting. What is a parent to do- she totally gets it; when we talk to her she says "mommy I can't bite, it hurts my friends, and if I do, I will go on time out".  Yet she gets so caught up in the moment all she wants to do is dig those little teeth right in!

Before I was a parent, I looked at other parents and thought "control you kid!" and now I feel like people are saying that to me.  When we first started at our daycare there was one mean kid who picked on all the other kids- it actually made me a little nervous that this kid was around my baby.  Now I'm the one who has the kid that parents are nervous for their kid to be around.

I know she is a good kid and she is very loving, but all common sense goes out the window when she is worked up.  I have honestly started to do deep breathing with her to calm her down.  Besides putting a nasty flavor in her mouth (which I am 100% against) or file down her teeth, I don't know what to do.

About a month ago one of the daycare ladies said to me "I said an extra prayer for Meggy to have a good day today, I know she is a good kid".  Which then of course throws me into tears, because my kid is so bad she needs extra prayers!!

Are any of you parents of biters or recovering biters??  Any advice you can offer this parent?