Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Night Photo Shoot

I have recently taken some photo classes where we go to Nicollet Island and take photos.  Right now the leaves are so pretty, I really wanted to take some photos of Meghan.  It started out a little rough; first I turned on my camera and realized I didn't have a card it in (really, how do you forget that?!), thank goodness I have learned to carry a spare (not the first time this has happened).  Then after about 3 pictures Meghan says she wants to go home... Are you kidding me, we just got here!  Once I started using some of the tricks I learned in my classes, Meghan got into it.  She started picking places to take pictures and saying "I want to sit here" or my favorite "I want to lay here!" in the middle of the sidewalk...sure why not!  So here is a handful of my favorites.

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