Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fun in the Sun (with the college girls)

Today Meghan and I went to Kelly's house to get together with the college girls and their kiddos. 
Quick run down of everyone.  Kelly has Kendra (6) and Adrian (2 in July). Dana has Ajay (3) and Logan (3 months).  Sarah has Brexton (2 in Sept), and Tiffany.

Ok, Kelly told me that she better see a blog about our day, so here we go (might I add, I took over 700 pictures, don't worry I will weed out a lot)

Originally our plan was to take the kids to the zoo, but with my hip and Anne being 8 months pregnant (Anne didn't got, but she has Tessa who will be 2 in June), and the temp going to be 85 and possible rain, we thought we might plan something with a little less walking.  Plan B- go to a gymnastics center for a few hours with the kids during open gym then hang out at Kelly's.  Well Plan C happend- Kelly has been with out a water heat for .. 2 weeks and her water heater guy was going to come between 12-3 (gym time).  Since it was so hot out we put all the kiddos in swimsuits and got out the pool and the really awesome water slide!  The little kids (well Meghan and Brexton) were not fans but the other kids loved it. 

Kelly being the daycare provider she is thought it would be a good idea to go inside and do an art project, which then ended up playing with shaving cream, and from there it was back in the pool!  A few more hours in there, and then we hit the road

I bet we weren't even a mile from Kelly's house and Meghan was asleep.

Adrian (aka Moose)



Meghan and Brexton

Logan chillin' on the swing


Meghan's swimsuit was a little big!

Logan 4 wheeling

Brexton liked to look at the water, but was a little unsure of it

Our attempt to get a picture of all the kids

And their done!


Time for finger paint

Brexton loved the shaving cream
Meghan wasn't sure about the shaving cream

Ajay enjoyed it too

Now Meghan is starting to like it
Yeah, that's fun!

Brexton is ready for more!

Huge sneeze!

Once Meghan got into it she loved it!

Time to clean up!

Running though the water
All the kids started running
though the water

I love this picture
Oh the mess!

Brexton played with this bucket
 for at least 20, it was hilarious!

All the little bellies!

How's your Popsicle?