Friday, May 4, 2012

Here We Go!

So a little about me and my family.  My name is Summer, my husband, Michael, and I have been married a little over 5 years.  We have a daughter, Meghan, who will be 2 in June, and lets not forget the dog, Shamrock, he is 5. 
Easter 2012 in Rochester, MN

Michael and I met in Jr. High.  I had a huge crush on him and he had no idea who I was.  We went to different High Schools but would see each other at local hang outs. When I moved into my first apartment, I was over at our neighbors place (who I also knew from Jr. High) and who walks in...yup, Michael.  Bad news, I was at this party with my boyfriend, who instantly got pushed aside.  Michael and I started hanging out, 5 years later we got married, 2 years after that we found out we were having a baby!  So long story super short, that's us. 

Meghan and Daddy Dancing
So why am I finally breaking down and doing this blog?  I have been wanting to do a blog for about 2 years now, ever since Meghan was born, I'm finally doing it. I want something for her to read when she is older, and great way to see the little things we do.. the little things in life that someday will mean a lot (hence the title!).  I am a scrapbooker, if you want to call it that.  I'm actually on a scrapbooking retreat this weekend.  I'm really poky with scrapping, I'm currently working on my pregnancy scrapbook (yes, I did say my daughter will be 2 next month).  So in comes the blog, work on it every few days and it's done. 

Also I'm really trying to get into photography, but really bad at printing pictures, again another reason to blog vs scrapbook. I have been reading a lot of blogs about photography and people sharing their knowledge, but all of them are really good at what they do.  So starting a blog now, I can see myself grow as a "photographer".

Another big thing that is happening is I have signed up for a Half Marathon, Woman Rock. This will be my first 1/2 marathon, the most I have ran for is a 5k (3.1 miles).  With my training I am currently up to 4.5 miles (the most I have ever run, go me!!).  Why did I choose this 1/2 Marathon, well, it's women only, which means they are little less ridiculously fast; it's a down hill course, AND top reason... FIREMEN!! Oh yes, firemen all over the course cheering and at the finish line to give you your finishers pendant...thank you very much!!  Only 119 days away, countdown has started. 

A quick run down of this week:  Last week our church was having a garage sale; we scored big time!  Play food, pots and pans for $3!! Now that Meghan had  all this food, she needed a kitchen to use it all.  So after gymnastics ('nastics!! as she calls it) we went to Toys R Us and bought a kitchen.  Because we got home so late Micheal put it together while she was sleeping.  On Wednesday morning, it was like Christmas, of course, we had to go to daycare so she only got to play with it for a few minutes.  After daycare though we had bananas, hamburgers and hot dogs cooked for us all night long!

Meghan first seeing her kitchen
(please don't judge my photography skills on this photo)

So this weekend I'm in Matorville, Mn.  I am doing a scrapbooking retreat with 7 other woman, I can't say I have been doing much scrapping.  I've downloaded icloud (I finally got an iphone), I am working on updating the firmware in my camera, downloading awesome songs for running, and now realizing I need to organize my computer.  We are staying at a house that used to be a cheese mill in the middle of no where. 

Here are a few photos from where we are staying. 

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, Summer, I'm impressed by your motivation! I hardly recognized you that one time I saw you running, another thing that I'd pat you on the back for if I see you in person! Anyway, big props on the blog and the photo skills and the running and all the (seemingly never-ending) endeavors you've taken on! GO SUMMER!!!!
