Saturday, May 5, 2012

An unproductive Saturday

While I am gone "scrapbooking" for the weekend (I have done one page..if that!) I have asked Michael to send me pictures of what Meghan is doing.  This morning this was what I got.

Meghan made cookies for breakfast, my kind of girl!!

Meghan got a Dora Fiesta Dress

I got a text this afternoon of Meghan in a Dora Fiesta Dress (great way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo) that Grandma got her. Meghan has a little obsession with Dora the Explorer. Wednesday morning she went into the bathroom and got her Dora bath toy; I over heard her in the bathroom telling Dora that she lobed (loved) her and that Dora is her best friend.  She lost her Sleeping Beauty ChapStick last week and kept telling us that "Swiper (the fox who swipes things in Dora) took my Beauty!" Thursday night she asked Michael if Swiper  took Mommy.  

I have found out that the Mall of America has Dora visit on Sunday from 4-8, so we have planned a trip to the Mall to see Dora and Boots.  We haven't told Meghan yet, we are going to surprise her.  I'm very interested to see how she will react; is she going to be so excited or completely freak out, cry and scream!
We'll see, I will let you know how that adventure goes!

Scrapbooking weekend is not going too great, but I'm getting a lot of other things done. I have been going through  my photos that are saved in 4 different placed on my computer and have 7 of the same picture, half of which are blurry.  I even took a nap today, I couldn't tell you the last time I did that, it was great.  And of course I'm taking pictures of things around the house, the girls that I am with are finding this quite entertaining.

This is the one time I have used my cricut all weekend.  I am working on my pregnancy journal.  Some how doing a scrapbook from 3 years ago, that is mostly a journal is not getting me too excited. But look, I'm working on my photo skills!
A neat piece of fence that has been turned
into a flag and used as decoration outside.

This is a HUGE tree in the front yard.

Out back is a tub (I guess that is what you would call it)
this is the spout on the bottom of the tub.

I had to stop on the way into town to take a picture of the Wanamingo sign, there is a story to this name.  We drive to Rochester a lot because we have family there. On the way down there is a sign for the turn off to Wanamingo.  When ever we see the sign Michael does this whole act like he is an announcer on Univision (the spanish channel).  His voice gets really deep, kind of like the moviephone guy, and says "Wwwwaaannnaaamigo!"  This has now become the joke everytime we see the sign, I think I drive him a little crazy making him do it every time we drive by, but it still makes me laugh!

I can't wait to let you know how Dora goes tomorrow!!! 

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