Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

We had a busy weekend!  Friday I get home from work and Meghan greets me at the back door with a homemade flower, card and hershey kisses yelling "Happy Mother Day!".  Great end to my day!

Saturday the whole family went out to the Mall of America.  We were doing the race for the cure in celebration of my mother in law who had breast cancer 2 years ago.  Meghan did a kids run, I thought this would be a great opportunity for her to "run with me", which she asks to do every time I go running.  We even got her little nike running shorts.  She did great, I was so proud of her, she only stopped twice and wanted me to carried her (both of which were only about 10 feet). The whole evening she said "I running!" So proud of my little peanut!
Meghan and Grandma making a bracelet before
the kids run

Meghan and Mommy getting
ready to run

And she's off!

crossing the finish line

Running like a winner

walking with grandma after the run

Meghan was very proud of herself
(so was mommy)

post run ice cream!

Meghan and grandma
after the run

Grandma, Meghan and Mommy after the run

flowers in celebration and in memory

This was Michael's old co-workers son,
enjoying a post run ice cream

Saturday evening we played in the pool at the hotel.  Meghan started off nervous about it, held on to daddy for dear life!  After about 10 mins in the pool with us, she was ready for grandma to bring her back to the hotel room.  Daddy was able to talk Meghan into trying to jump off the edge of the pool, before she went back to the room.  Well, that 1 jump lead to 50 more; we had to drag her out of the pool. She was shivering, lips purple and after every jump she puts her finger up to her cheek, tilts her head and says "one more time".  Come on, how can you say no to that!  Note to self: get a picture of her "one more time" pose!!

When I was in the hot tub Saturday night at 9:30 I finally realized there is no way I can run and walk the race for the cure.  It was hard for me to accept, but I was not going to be running in the morning.

Sara and Louise starting the run
Sunday Noreen and I got up early to see Sara and Louise off on their run (they had great times!).  8:30 we were meeting the rest of the family.  We had a great group: Noreen, Mark, Sara, Myself, Meghan, Louise, Grandma Seeger and Trish.   The walk started at 9:00 and was 3.1 miles, I love doing this walk, the strength of the survivors and the families that are celebrating loved ones is so beautiful.  I tried to get a good mix of photos from the walk.  Some of them I think turned out great.

Team Noreen's Knockers

Meghan enjoying her stroller ride
Snuggle time with daddy!

some cute team signs


Meghan yelling in the tunnel 

Noreen's new shoes
nice break from the stroller ride
woman's drum line along the course

Another drum line, nothing like a little bit
of YMCA to get you going!

mile 1

Hug a survivor

Hug a survivor
hug a survivor


VIkings cheerleaders

more vikings cheerleaders

More signs
fun hats

I love this picture, this girl looked right at me when I took it

Announcers are announcing "Noreen Seeger, 2 years!"

We were walking by these women at the end of the walk,
I loved their glass.  My first bold photography move:
I asked to take their picture!
(most of the lilacs in the background, I added, there are
port-a-potties behind them!)

Sunday afternoon we went to Uncle Bob's and Aunt Netti's house for lunch, Chris and Grandma Kroening were there also.  We had "beer butt chicken" which Meghan enjoyed saying over and over. Meghan had great time playing with everyone, not sure how much Chris enjoyed it though!  I found Meghan and Chris in the library laying on the floor reading to Meghan (so cute!).  Meghan also enjoyed giving Chris commands: "jump!" she would say and they would jump off the step, "march", and they would march around the kitchen, she would turn and check on him to make sure he was still doing it.

Sunday night we had dinner at Outback and went home for an early bed, we were all very tired from this weekends activities, but we had a great time!

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