Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We saw Dora!

This is a picture I took Saturday night,while I was "scrapbooking"  I wanted to try a slow shutter to get the "flowing" picture.

Sunday afternoon the family took a trip to the Mall of America to meet Dora.  I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out.  In December when we met Santa, that was a disaster!

When we got to Nickelodeon Universe we stocked up on Dora supplies: Dora, Boots, Swiper and Backpack.  Meghan was already in heaven and hadn't even met Dora. As we were waiting, Meghan was sitting in her stroller hugging and kissing all of her new stuffed animals.  Sponge Bob was there, who I didn't think she knew, but she kept calling him "Bob".  She did great with "Bob", even high-fived him, so I hoped she would be just as good with Dora. 

At 4pm was Dora's arrival time.  When Dora turned the corner, Meghan's eye got enormous, her smile was ear to ear, she looked at Dora and whispered "Dora!" Michael's sister, Sara, took Meghan in line (I wanted to take pictures) to meet Dora.  Meghan kept her distance most of the time, but was so excited.  As we were trying to leave, Meghan kept standing by the railing yelling "Bye Dora!, Bye" (Meghan is very good at the long Minnesota good-bye, it takes us 10 mins to leave any where because she has to say good- bye to everyone about 8 times)

Monday at daycare the first thing she said when she walked through the door was "I meet Dora!!".  From what I have been told that was all she talked about at daycare on Monday.

Monday I went to the doctor about my knee, I'm having some pain and swelling after running.  I wanted to see the doctor before the pain got too bad.  He is sending me to PT (physical therapy) for gait training (basically learning to run with proper body alignment).  I went for a 4 1/2 mile run on Monday; after my run I had bad knee pain and swelling that night and Tuesday.  I call the doctor to see if I could got to a different location for PT, since I couldn't get in for 2 weeks.  He told me the best thing to do would be to stop running so the swelling goes down and I can get the most out of my PT.  So there you have it, 2 week break from running; although the Race for the Cure is on Sunday, I think I am going to run that!

Meghan had gymnastics last night and did a great job.  We have one more week left, we are trying to find a different activity for the summer, but there are very few activities at this age.  (these photos are from the early spring class, but she is still cute to look at!)

Wednesday night it was so nice out I wanted to work on planting my herb garden with Meghan, but we got side tracked and spent most of the evening with Meghan's best friend, Clare.  Clare and Meghan are 3 months apart; her parents (Mike and Jess) and us are great friends, along with the neighbors in the middle (Sam and Louise).  Last week Louise taught the girls how to blow the seeds off of dandelions (are the still called dandelions when they aren't yellow flowers?).  So the girls spent most of the night doing that.  I'm happy that Since Louise taught them this, they did this in her yard!

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