Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beautiful Saturday in the June

On Saturday morning we were planning to watch Mark and Noreen take a hot air balloon ride at sunrise (meaning we had to get up at 4 am!).  We got a call late Friday night saying the balloon ride was going to be canceled due to high winds.  Since we went to be so early, Meghan was up and ready to go at 6 am on Saturday.  We knew it was suppose to be a beautiful day, and I refused to spend it indoors.
Daycare recently took the older kids to a place called Tamarack Nature Center, and I have heard from other parents this was a great place to take kids.  We called the family to see if they wanted to join, Sara came along for the adventure!
We had no idea what to expect, but it was awesome!  There were 4 main areas for the kids to play with. There was a rock climbing area (which reminded me of The Flintstones... do kids even know who The Flintstones are anymore?!)

So much fun!
Meghan walking in the stream
There was a great stream area for the kids to walk and play in, it was only about 6 inches at the deepest part, but Meghan (and Sara) had a great time playing in the water.  Note to self, next time bring a swimsuit for the kid!

Meghan playing her xylophone
Checking out what the other kids are doing

There was a sticks and logs area where the kids could build forts with sticks and climb on big logs (or Sara could climb on them!) Meghan found a xylophone that she really enjoyed 
playing, and singing!!

Helping daddy fill the watering can

There was a garden area, where the kids job was to water the vegetable.  Meghan and Michael had a lot of fun pumping the water into the watering cans and watering all the vegetables.

She can do it herself!

Make sure to get the water on the plant

Smelling the pretty flower

Once we were done with the play area, we decided that since it was such a nice day out, we weren't ready to go home.  The park had great walking trails, we started with a little loop which then turned into probably 2-3 miles of walking.  Thank goodness Meghan fell asleep about 10 mins into the walk, she got a great nap!

I have found I kind of like taking nature pictures!
This might be our Christmas card.  It was great, Meghan
grabbed our faces and pulled us all together

On the way home, Sara thought it would be a good idea to stop for ice cream, and really who turns down ice cream on a hot day!  So thanks to google we found a cute little ice cream shop called "The Village Scoop"... Love it!!!

Meghan enjoyed a blue moon (no not the beer) ice cream with a little scoop of cotton candy.

Standing in the water table
We stopped back at Mark and Noreen's to see what they were up to.  Meghan ended up pulling out her water and sand table and played in that for an hour or so.   She even went as far a taking her pull up off and taking a bath in her water table.  Oh to be a free spirited 2 year old with no cares!  I'm sure when she is old and reading this she is not going to be happy!

Meghan figuring out how to get
into the water table

She is in and pull up is off!

Meghan was on a time out, and looked over at me with this
little grin!  I love this picture

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