Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to Stay Cool in Hot Weather

Daddy was out golfing this weekend for a bachelor party and Mark was working, so Meghan and I spent a hot 90 degree day breaking in the kiddie pool at Grandma's house!

Meghan had so much fun with her new pool, I'm shocked at how much she is starting to like the water!

We has some snacks, while sitting pool side- taking in the sun!

Since it was so hot, we had to make sure we stayed well hydrated; even if that does mean drinking right from the pool or the dog's water bowl!

Believe it or not, there was even a little swimming!

Meghan had a great time hanging out by the pool!

Sara came to visit us too!

As always, the sand/water table had to be played with, which means Meghan in standing in the table!

Little Baywatch move!

Oh it is so much work to be this cute!

After our long day at Grandma's we went home.

Once we walked in the back door Meghan found her Dora umbrella and we were back outside...waiting for rain!

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