Friday, June 22, 2012

Little Louie

Michael's old neighbor friend Kristen (and Steve) had an adorable baby boy on Friday June 15.  We drove out to River Falls to meet the little Louie and see how Kristen and Steve were doing.    We saw Kristen a week before she was due, Meghan helped encourage Louie to arrive by yelling "Come out baby!" to Kristen's belly. Meghan had been so excited to meet Louie since I keep telling her the baby came out, we need to meet him.  

She did a pretty good job with him (I think as well as a 2 year old can do), but when Michael was holding Louie, Meghan had a melt down, she could have cared less when I was holding him, but she did not want to share her daddy!

Meghan has a Pottery Barn blanket with her name on it, that she loves. We thought it would be the perfect gift for for Louie, so Meghan had to bring her blanket to show Louie that she had one just like him; it was very cute!

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