Sunday, June 24, 2012

Horses, Wedding, ER and Cars!

We had a busy weekend!!

Friday night was our annual Canterbury Downs trip for Kelly's Birthday.  Michael and I brought Meghan and two of his hockey friends, we met up with the college girls, husbands and kids.  Meghan, Brexton and Adrian had a blast playing together... Meghan even learned what a combine was... thanks to Kelly, who likes to teach everyone what a combine is!

We have learning more and more that Meghan is a... very aggressive girl with the boys!  The whole group happened to look over at the right time to catch Meghan grabbing Bexton's face and planting a BIG kiss on his lips (wish I would have gotten a picture of that!)

Saturday we had a wedding to go attend: Michael's friend Mickey got married at Fort Snelling and had the reception at the Ramada.  Meghan had some much fun dancing with the kids.  Again, very aggressive with getting the boys to dance with here.

On Friday we noticed that Meghan had a red bump on her neck, we thought her car seat strap just rubbed her.  On Saturday the bump was getting bigger, redder and harder.  We sent a picture to Kerriann, who said it looked like it was her lymph node and we should take her in. So, 9pm we headed to the ER.  The doctors were unsure if it was a lymph node or infected bug bite.  They decided to try benadryl to see if that helped with the swelling, which it did! So we were discharged at midnight with benadryl and antibiotics

Sunday was Back to the 50's!  My dad was in town, so Michael, Meghan and I met him there.  We saw a beautiful cars (I think my new favorite color is orange!), and even had pronto pups (my favorite!).  After the car show we went back to Grandpa Anderson's house and spent some time there.  Meghan had a great time playing with her grandpa... and she got her first birthday card, which she was very excited about!

Meghan and Grandpa

Meghan and Grandpa

Meghan sitting in 'Pink Lipstix'

Meghan taking a picture of the cars

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